On Saturday, April 21, Justice Matters and the community will come together to call for a "Restorative Justice Community" by lifting the following issues of justice facing some of the most vulnerable within the Lawrence region:
- Lack of Mental Health Crisis Services
- Exploding Incarceration at the Douglas County Jail
- The School to Prison Pipeline
This event is the culmination of years of research aimed at a just and healthy city for all. Community members who support systemic improvements on these issues are urged to join us.
General admission tickets are are free but limited due to Lied Center policies. Participants can request tickets by emailing: [email protected]. They will be delivered to you. Members of Justice Matters can pick up tickets in advance through their congregation.
Free, professional childcare is available across the street at Immanuel Lutheran from 6 - 8:30 pm.
The event will begin promptly at 6:30 and conclude at 8 pm.