Research Process
Investigating the problem without presumptions and seeking practical solutions that work to address the root cause are the guiding principles of our "Research Process".
Following our Listening Process, each winter/early spring, Justice Matters will form Research Working Groups led by congregational leaders. Working Groups will be trained to first understand and define the problem to be addressed before investigating solutions. We will analyze data, conduct interviews with subject matter experts, and follow-up on the stories told during the Listening Process.
Once the specific problem area is defined, Justice Matters will research potential solutions by looking at best practices in other cities, considering cutting edge proposals from experts, and using our common sense. We will ultimately determine a specific proposal to be presented and negotiated among relevant officials at the Nehemiah Action Assembly. Research will dictate the nature of our public proposals for improvements. Other criteria leaders will use to determine specific solutions include: viability for improvement, unity among congregations, and impact on the identified problem. Long-term commitments to certain areas of concern may be elected among our membership.
Justice Matters is currently researching issues related to mental health, affordable housing/homelessness, and child welfare.