Mental Health Services


  1. Agreement among key stakeholders for the need to build a 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Care Center in Lawrence. In addition to providing an access point for the community, this Crisis Center is expected to divert 200 individuals with mental illness away from incarceration toward treatment each year.
  2. Commitment by the Lawrence Police Chief to train 100% of all officers by 2018 on how to effectively handle encounters with those in mental health crisis (approximately 76% of all officers have been through the 40-hour training).
  3. Placement of a 1/4 cent sales tax referendum item on the November 2018 ballot dedicated exclusively to mental health.


  • Open a 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Care Center as soon as possible without compounding problems related to growing incarceration; 
  • Improve access to mental health care through private/public collaboration.