Institutional Racism Equity Gap Conversation

At 7 pm on Tuesday, February 28, the Lawrence Public Library, the Langston Hughes Center, and the Department of African and African-American Studies ​are co-sponsoring the latest in the Langston Hughes Center's "Diverse Dialogues on Race and Culture" series.  Tuesday's topic will be "Fixing Lawrence's (Education) Achievement Gap," featuring John Rury (Education Policy Studies), Subini Annamma (Special Education), and Willie Amison, who has had a long history of service to our local school system. 

All members of the Justice Matters community, and particularly the Institutional Racism research committee, are invited and encouraged to attend and learn more about the issue of racial equity in our public schools. 

Additional information is available at the Lawrence Public Library website.


February 26, 2017 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm


Lawrence Public Library Auditorium


Katie Sears ·


Cynthia Eubanks Judy Lewis Gary Schmidt Pat Fox Robert Simpson Dracy Jenkins

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